Sample Problem: Cylindrical Hohlraum at OMEGA

Setting Up the Grid

This sample problem includes several features and tools in VISRAD designed to facilitate target grid setup:

In this example, we set up a hohlraum for the OMEGA target chamber with the following characteristics:

Step-by-step instructions for setting up a hohlraum target are:


The images below shows the target after all of the steps is completed. Left: TIM #5 view. Center: Dante view. Right: X-TVS view.



Cylindrical Hohlraum Setup

The hohlraum cylinder will serve as the reference coordinate system for other target components. Doing this, all of the components will stay attached to the hohlraum if its Position or Orientation Angles change.

Attach the Hohlraum to the TIM #3 Target Mount

Let's assume we want to mount the stalk to the hohlruam cylinder 300 microns from the bottom end of the cylinder. To do this, we first attached the bottom of the stalk to the hohlraum using the hohlraum's coordinate system, and then reverse the coordinate system referencing.

At this point, the target, as viewed from the X-TVS (left) and Y-TVS (right) are shown below.



Add a Flat Rectangular Surface on the Side of the Hohlraum

Add a flat surface (of length 800 μm) on the side of the hohlraum, and position it such it can be backlight along the H7-H14 (TIM #5) axis. Put the flat on the H7 side.


Insert Inner Shields Inside the Hohlraum

Add open disk shields on the inside of the hohlraum at the edges of the "flat".

Attach the Backlighter to Stalk from TIM #2

Place a disk backlighter foil a distance 3.8 mm from target chamber center (about 3 mm above the "flat") toward Port H7 (away from TIM #5).

Add a stalk object for Target Mount TIM #2 to support for the backlighter foil. Attach the stalk to a 1 mm-long wire that extends out of the back of the backlighter foil.

Cut a Hole in the Hohlraum Along the TIM #5 / Backlighter Axis

Clip the "hohlraum_cylinder" such that there is a clear line-of-sight that extends from TIM #5 (i.e., a point located, say, 30 cm from target chamber center in the direction of TIM #5), through the "flat" on the hohlraum, to the center of the "backlighter_foil".

Images of the final target build, as viewed from TIM #5 (wireframe (left) and filled surfaces (right)) are shown below.




1 Setting R-Corner to 0.01 cm provides a rounded edge to the cylinder.

2 It is important to set the surface normals appropriately for radiation calculations. Surfaces have a preferred orientation, emitting/reflecting light on one side only. To emit/reflect light on both sides, either an object with non-zero thickness must be used (see Size/Grid tab of Object Parameters Dialog), or a second, nearly identical object must be set up which has surface normals facing in the opposite direction.

3 This is the centroid position of the clipping volume box. Since we will use a clipping box with a height of 0.4 cm and place the flat (rectangle) a r = 0.07 cm, the centroid of the clipping box is at r = 0.07 + 0.5*0.4 = 0.09 cm.

4 For information on setting the Polar and Azimuthal values, see Specifying Orientation Angles.

5 The value of 0.07746 = 2*sqrt( Rhohlraum 2 - Rflat 2) = 2*sqrt( 0.082 - 0.072).

6 Using an outer radius slightly less that the hohlraum radius avoids "bleedthrough" in the graphics.


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